Life Launch – Our Life Skills Program for Young Adults Aged 18-26

Life Launch is a unique life skills program for young adults from Finally Family Homes. We serve college-aged youth (18-26 years old) who’ve experienced life challenges such as homelessness, foster care, and more and who recognize they need extra support as they grow into contributing, successful adults.

young adult male getting coaching from a woman in glasses

What Our Life Skills Progam Is and How it Works

A life skills program is a curriculum of activities and lessons designed to teach young adults how to do the practical daily skills in life that aren’t taught in school, and often get missed by kids who are dealing with difficulties. Our life skills program helps young adults become successfully independent by equipping them with the tools needed to function in the adult world. By providing our youth with the tools and connections to build and sustain holistic life success, we mitigate the risks for negative outcomes associated with traumatic experiences, such as homelessness, human trafficking, and prison.

Through our Life Skills Program, Life Launch, youth ages 18-26 will receive life skills training through an evidence-informed multi-sensory learning program.

We also offer in person life skills workshops at our Oasis Resource Center. These are on a drop in basis, although RSVPs are preferred as we often provide meals with our workshops and need to know how much food to prepare. See what workshops are coming up this month on our Oasis page.

Our life skills program is required for participants in our housing support programs.

5 Essential Life Skills for Young Adults to Succeed

Five essential life skills topics are covered in our trauma-informed program. We’ve also mapped additional topics to Maslow’s Hierarchy to ensure a holistic approach to covering life skills. Here are five main topics covered:

1. Resilience

A key life skill to overcome difficulties and rise above is learning resilience.

2. Getting and Keeping a Job

Our goal is to help young adults achieve lasting success in life. Learning to get and keep a job is key to building long-term financial stability.

3. Personal Finance

Just because you have a good job and bring in money doesn’t mean you’re “set for life.” Learning how to manage money wisely is important for sustainability.

4. Communication Skills

Regardless of your life path, great communication skills will serve you well.

5. Independent Living

Independent living is a part of lasting success. It’s not always intuitive. Learning how to manage bills and supply all your needs requires guidance.

How to Get Life Skills Coaching

To be eligible for our life skills coaching, you must be:

  • 18-26 years old
  • live in Santa Clarita or surrounding areas
  • be ready to grow and take ownership of your life
  • be willing to meet (even if just over the phone) 1-4 times per month with a coach

Participants are eligible for extra support through our Family Care program which can help with providing food, essential needs items, and more.

Those who complete the program will receive a $100 stipend to boost them on their journey to success.

Are You Interested in Becoming a Coach?

If you’d like to learn more, you can download our life skills coaching info packet here. While we are currently accepting applications, all of our youth participants have been paired with a coach. You are welcome to apply, but there may be a waiting period after completing your application before you are paired with a participant. If you are looking for other opportunities, please visit our volunteer opportunity page.

As a part of the application process, you will be required to review and accept our policies, which can be found here.