The following information will help us in matching you with a guest.
Why are you interested in being a Host Home?
What would be the ideal characteristics of a youth you’d wish to host?
[textarea What would be the ideal characteristics of a youth you'd wish to host]
What characteristics of a youth would you NOT wish to host?
Please tell us about your strengths, experiences, skills or relevant things about you that you would like to share.
Please describe any background you may have with dealing with youth who’ve experienced trauma / foster care
[textarea Please describe any background you may have with dealing with youth who've experienced trauma fostercare]
What languages are spoken in your home?
Do you practice a particular faith in your home? Please describe.
Please indicate how comfortable you are hosting a guest who:
(Choose from a scale of 1 (not comfortable ) to 4 (very comfortable).
Please indicate how comfortable you are sharing your home with someone who may have extra challenges or differences from you.
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
How comfortable are you hosting someone who does not share your views on:
Religion / faith
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Gender Identity
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Sexual Orientation
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
How comfortable are you hosting someone who:
Has a physical disability
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Has a cognitive disability
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Has a mental health issue
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Uses Alcohol
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4
Uses marijuana
—Please choose an option— 1 2 3 4