Finally Family Homes Celebrates Graduating Foster Youth

This Spring Finally Family Homes partnered with community partners to provide graduation gifts for every young adult graduating from High School or college and connected to the local DCFS office and Community College Guardian Scholars Program. Guardian Scholars serves youth on college campuses who have experienced foster care and need extra support to achieve academic success.
Celebrating youth milestones supports our mission to come alongside youth aging out of foster care and act as a caring community. As a part of our Family Care Program, it’s one way we show these young adults that they are valued members of the community, that their accomplishments are noteworthy, and their hard work is worth being celebrated.
Additionally, we provided graduation celebration kits for each of our college young adults, so they were equipped to celebrate with any friends or family in their lives. This serves to strengthen the supportive relationships they have built around them and further reinforce the significance of each graduate’s accomplishment.
For our part, Finally Family Homes delivered 35 graduation gifts and 11 graduation celebration kits. In all, our community came together to provide 56 gifts for all of the graduates connected to Santa Clarita and surrounding areas.
We are so proud of these young adults, beating the odds, rising above extraordinarily challenging circumstances, and fighting to create better lives for themselves. We are so grateful to our supporters and community for joining us in building up and celebrating these exceptional young adults.

Learn More about Finally Family Homes:
Family Care Program
Mission to Support Aging out Foster Youth
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