Ideas for Helping Troubled Youth

Welcome to our community. Are you looking for helpful ideas as you care for a struggling young adult in your life? We know that helping others through struggle isn’t easy. So we are sharing ideas for helping troubled youth so you can connect with and support the ones you care about.
If it’s your first time here, we know it can be hard to know where to start. So we’ve created this page, with some of our most popular topics, to get you started.
If you’re wondering about the people behind Finally Family Homes, we are a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to connecting young adults with the tools they need to tap into their potential to achieve an extraordinary life.
Our primary aim is to help youth aging out of foster care without a family or home -young adults full of potential but also in need of extra support as they heal from the trauma of the past.
To learn more, be sure to check out our about page to read our story and learn more about our mission.
Building Connections
Often a core issue behind why a young adult is “being difficult” is that they feel disconnected from you. As the saying goes, “People don’t care what you have to say until they know you care.”
So we put together some ideas to help you build (or rebuild) a connection with your young adult. There’s a variety of ways to connect, but we know gift-giving and quality time are two ways to show you care. Here are some ideas and specific tips for that.
California Spring Break Ideas With Teens
Awesome But Affordable Gifts for College Students
Helping Youth Through Struggles
Here are some articles that you may find helpful as you address struggles.
How To Deal With An Entitled Teenager
Getting Your Grown Child To Move Out
Resources and Supports for Youth Transitioning Out of Foster Care into Independence
As youth leave foster care, some receive great support and direction, while many others are left on their own. Some are literally put on the street with nothing at 18. Yes, that happens right here in the USA.
There are resources, but often these young adults don’t know how to find them. If you are supporting a youth who needs help figuring out what’s next, we highly recommend you check out our posts on resources available to youth who’ve been in foster care. There are grants, scholarships, and so much more!
Resources Available to Transition Aged Foster Youth Nationwide
Since we are located in the Los Angeles area of California, where the aging out crisis is most urgent, we have put together a list of resources available specifically in California.
Resources for Youth From Foster Care in California
If you are looking for housing options after foster care. Check out:
Supportive Housing for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care
Connect to our support community for aging out foster youth
If you are connected to the foster care system or have been, join our Facebook Group: Supporting Youth Aging Out of Foster Care. This is a community of both former foster youth and those who care about supporting them. Join us to share information, ask questions, and build connections with other like-minded people
Make sure to answer all the questions to join our Facebook group – we don’t let just anyone in.
Helping Troubled Youth feel Encouraged and Inspired
If you want more specific ideas for helping your kid succeed, we recommend checking out Start Here For Success.
Sometimes they may struggle with motivation.
So get your FREE tools to help motivate and inspire them here.
FREE Motivational Quote Coloring Pages (which will also help with stress!)
Inspirational Phone Wallpapers
Use Our Success Tools on Etsy for Helping Troubled Youth
One thing young adults need most but rarely have is all of their personal important paperwork properly gathered, organized, and stored.
Visit our Etsy shop to get access to our:
– paperwork organization workbook
– in-depth time management workbook
– success quote coloring pages
And more coming soon! Just for visiting you can get it half off, using coupon code: SUCCESS50) That means this guide is only $1.50 – And all proceeds go to charity!!

Learn More About Our Work Helping Troubled Youth
Want to know more about Finally Family Homes? Get to know more about us here.