Finally Family Homes is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in Santa Clarita, CA partnering with college aged foster youth to help them achieve lasting success.

Learn more about our work here.

Want to join us in making a life-changing impact for high potential young adults?

Consider opening up a spare bedroom to become a Host Home.

Looking for our video interview on SCVTV?  You can watch it here:

donation list with two young adults making a heart sign

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The world of social media changes frequently, so we’ve adopted a number of ways to keep you up-to-date with what is happening.

First, subscribe to our newsletter with all the insider information on what we are doing at Finally Family Homes.

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Visit Our Latest Blog Posts

Moving Out at 18 – When Should A Child Move Out?

It’s time. Your kid is old enough and you’re ready toss your little bird out of the nest and let ’em fly! Here’s some guidance on how to get your grown child to move out (and stay out).

How To Be Successful In Life – 10 Powerful Keys

What leads one person to achieve success in life over another? Success in life doesn’t come down to just one thing. After much research across a breadth of successful people, we’ve put together these 10 keys to success in life.

9 Inspirational Stories of Success and Overcoming Great Obstacles

Life is challenging for so many of us right now, so we put together some inspirational stories of success to give you encouragement and hope. We selected stories that will give you the courage to push past challenges and overcome obstacles. Be encouraged if you are in a tough spot. Overcoming struggle is a part…

Follow Finally Family Homes on Etsy!

Visit our Etsy shop to get access to our:
– in-depth time management workbook
– verses of hope coloring book
– success quote coloring pages
– paperwork organization workbooks

And more coming soon!

mock up of time management workbook on Etsy with click here button

Be Encouraged

Our mission is all about HOPE and we like to spread it everywhere!

You’ll probably enjoy our most popular blog post:

9 Inspirational Stories of Success and Overcoming

We have free inspirational quotes and coloring pages for you.

FREE Motivational Quote Coloring Pages (which will also help with stress!)

Inspirational Phone Wallpapers

If you’re wondering about the people behind Finally Family Homes, be sure to check out our about page to read our story and learn more about our mission.