Transition Age Youth Programs in Los Angeles, California
Are you looking for Transition Age Youth Programs in Los Angeles and greater California? You’re at the right place. Please note, that some organizations focus on one particular history (foster care or mental health). So not all Transition Age Youth programs are right for every young adult.
At Finally Family Homes, we offer transition age youth programs for young adults aging out of foster care in Santa Clarita. Learn more about our programs for housing, life skills, and more here.
Transition Age Youth (TAY) are young adults who are leaving the care of government systems, whether it is from foster care, mental health, or incarceration. Most programs define Transition Age Youth as being between the ages of 16-24 years old. Most often youth 18-21 are the primary demographic. These youth often find themselves alone and in precarious situations, unaware of the resources available to them.
If you are between the ages of 16- 21, you have access to specialized programs and services in Los Angeles. We’ll dive into some of the biggest resources below.
If you don’t live in California, we recommend that you check out our list of national resources available to aging out foster youth. For those that do live here, keep reading & we’ll link to this again at the bottom.
Transition Age Youth Programs in California
OYC LA Opportunity Youth Collaborative
The OYC LA Youth Collaborative connects you to resources to benefit foster system impacted transitional age youth ages 16-24. Get their weekly emails about job and internship opportunities, as well as free community events.
Requirements To Enroll In Extended Foster Care In California
California extends the federal Title IV-E extended foster care program, which gives extra support to TAY after they turn 18 years old. To join you will be required to meet at least one of the following requirements.
- Enroll in a secondary education program
- Enroll in a post-secondary or vocational program
- Participate in an employment program
- Work 80 or more hours per month
- Gain an exemption from the above requirements through documented medical limitations.
California also requires you to sign an agreement whether you are continuing from foster care or re-entering after having left.
See California’s Voluntary Re-entry Agreement Here.
You will also need to know your case number. If your case was closed after 2004 in California, contact your ILP / Transition Coordinator. For more help finding out if you are eligible for ILP services, you can call the DCFS Youth Development Services Division at (877) 694-5741. You may also email them at and include your name, date of birth, and contact information.
Los Angeles TAY Healthcare Support
Medical is available to you for free if you were in foster care in any State on your 18th birthday or later, are under 26, and currently live in California. Medical covers medical care, vision exams, substance abuse treatment, mental health services, counseling, and dental care. . You can sign up online at or contact your county to sign up.
Here is the contact list for those who help former foster youth sign up for Medical in each county. In Los Angeles county, call Dena Russell, DPSS, at (626) 313-5504 or Duy Johnson, DPSS, at (626) 313-5505.
Get the Medical Application Here.
Transition Age Youth Program Supporting Mental Health
NAMI Urban Los Angeles supports TAY with goal planning, supported education, supported employment, health and wellness classes, peer mentoring, and social activities.
Mental Health Services For Former Foster Youth in Los Angeles
LA County Dept of Mental Health Programs provide an array of mental health and supportive services for Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) and Severe and Persistently Mentally Ill (SPMI) youth ages 16-25.
Their TAY programs focus on a number of priority populations to receive these services.
If you need help, you can call the Transition Age Youth System of Care Bureau at 213-738-2408.
TAY System Navigators are available to assist Seriously Emotionally Disturbed (SED) and Severe and Persistently Mentally Ill (SPMI) youth by navigating them through the various human services systems in order to achieve effective linkages to needed mental health, housing, and other essential services.
We also recommend checking out the LA County Mental Health toolkit for transition age youth.
TAY Drop In Centers in Los Angeles
Central LA Drop In Centers
Good Seed Youth Drop-In Center
Penny Lane Drop In Center provides support for LGBTQ identified or questioning, foster youth, and/or youth experiencing homelessness between the ages of 16-25.
Some of the services provided are: Support Groups, HIV/STI Education and Testing, Showers, Laundromat, Games, snacks, hot meals, Internet Access, and employment support.
Open Tuesday – Friday 1PM—7PM and Saturday’s 8AM—8 PM.
Hollywood Drop In Centers
Daniel’s Places primarily supports youth in need of mental health services who are struggling with homelessness.
Los Angeles LGBT Youth Center on Highland is located in the heart of Hollywood for LGBT youth who don’t have a home of their own and have been turned away from their families.
Open Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Penny Lane Drop In Center provides support for LGBTQ identified or questioning, foster youth, and/or youth experiencing homelessness between the ages of 16-25.
Some of the services provided are: Support Groups, HIV/STI Education and Testing, Showers, Laundromat, Games, snacks, hot meals, Internet Access, and employment support.
Open Tuesday – Friday 1PM—7PM and Saturday’s 8AM—8 PM.
San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys
The Village Family Services – TVFS TAY Drop-In Center works to empower at-risk, foster, LGBTQ, and homeless youth ages 14-25. They are located in North Hollywood. They offer youth showers, meals, clothing, computer/internet Access, DVD and games, Social activities, and more.
6801 Coldwater Canyon Avenue
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Phone: (818) 755-8786
Open Monday – Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Saturday & Sunday 9 am – 3 pm.
San Gabriel Valley
The Pacific Clinics – HOPE Youth Center in Irwindale, CA is for individuals ages 16-25. They help with life skils, education, clothing, food, and more.
Open: Mon-Th 10am-6pm, Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday-Sunday 11am-5pm
Santa Monica
Step-Up on Second Street, Inc.- Daniel’s Place
South Bay
Good Seed on Pine Youth Drop In Center
Transition Age Youth Housing Programs In Los Angeles
For youth who turn 18 and decide to continue in extended foster care, there are several options depending on age and system eligibility. The options for housing include apartments, single-family dwellings, condominiums, college dormitories, and host family models.
If you have questions about eligibility, please call the Youth Development Services at 1(877) 694-5741 or email them at In the email tell them your name, date of birth, how to contact you and what they can do to assist you.
You can also check out the California State Transitional Housing Resource Page
THP Housing
Transitional Housing Placement-Plus-Foster Care (THP+FC) allows eligible foster youth to extend foster care beyond age 18 and up to age 21. The eligibility is the same as the requirements listed above for being in extended foster care.
Tracy Rolfe, Core Program Director
T: 310.535.1500 x5741
SPA 7 & 8
C.H.A.I.N. Reaction, Inc.
Jessica Saint-Paul, Executive Director
T: 310.428.1290
First Place for Youth
Indira Prins, Administrative Assistant, Intake Specialist
SPA 3, 4, 6 & 8
Olive Crest
Dionne Boyd, Program Director
T: 562.977.6941
Penny Lane
Edwin Olmedo, Intake Coordinator
T: 818.892.3423
SPA 1, 2 & 7
Chris Onyegbaduo, Executive Director
T: 323.935.1786
SPA 3, 6, 7 & 8
Tiffany Lewis, Intake Coordinator
T: 818.493.6686
SPA 1, 2 & 3

Los Angeles Area THP Intake Agencies
Visit ilponline for a ist of licensed providers in Los Angeles
California Extended Foster Care Housing
THP Plus Housing
THP-Plus is the transitional housing program for young adults who exited foster care (including those in probation) on or after their 18th birthday and are not yet 24 years of age.
This program provides youth with an opportunity to live in an apartment in the community while getting support from a team of individuals that assist them with independent living skills. Your DCFS and/or Probation case must be closed prior to your entering this housing program.
California Transitional Housing Program Coordinator Contact List
THP Plus Time and Age Limits
In California, time and age limits for THP-Plus participation are 24 cumulative months or age 24, whichever comes first. In Los Angeles County (which opted into Senate Bill 1252), THP Plus is extended to 36 cumulative months and not more than 25 years of age. For this extension, youth must be completing secondary education or attending post-secondary education, including an accredited vocational school.
Los Angeles Area THP Plus Housing Contact
SILP Program
Supervised Independent Living Placement (SILP) is a flexible, non-licensed foster care placement that provides the least amount of support and supervision, and the highest amount of autonomy in extended foster care. Youth 16-21 are eligible.
A Social Worker or Probation Officer must first complete a readiness assessment to review your strengths and weaknesses in the areas of money management, personal health and safety, and tenant rights and responsibilities. Only an ILP/Transition Coordinator can confirm ILP eligibility.
Once you have been approved for SILP, your location must then be approved.
How to Get SILP Housing Approved
Approved SILP Housing options may include:
- An Apartment, alone or with roommates
- A Single Room, which may have shared bathrooms and/or kitchens
- A Rented room, including from a former caregiver or relative
- Job Corps Housing
- A Tribally Approved Home
- A Dorm or University housing, including those out-of-state
Once you have been approved to pursue SILP housing, your proposed location must pass a physical safety inspection. This includes things like making sure you have running water, heat, electricity, fire escapes, etc.
Once your location is approved, a monthly check will be sent to you or your landlord. The current rate for SILP in California is $1000 per month.
For help with SLIP, you can call the Foster Care Hotline at 1-800-697-4444. You can also try the Los Angeles ILP program number at 1(877) 694-5741 or (213) 351-0100 or contact them online at
If you are having trouble getting your SILP approved, or getting your checks, the Alliance for Children’s Rights can help you. Email or call 213.368.6010 to get started.
Former Foster Youth Housing Programs Outside Of Extended Foster Care
For those who chose not to continue with extended foster care, there are still options available to you, although many organizations may hold you to the same requirements to pursue work or education.
These organizations provide supportive housing for TAY. The organizations are listed by area.
Downtown Los Angeles
Covenant House California offers
Hollywood TAY Housing
Los Angeles LGBT Center transitional residence is located in the heart of Hollywood for LGBT youth who don’t have a home of their own and have been turned away from their families. Services include helping you find and maintain a job, enroll in school, and manage your savings so you can succeed once you are living on your own.
The LGBT Center also offers a host homes program. Through the host homes program, youth 18 to 24 are placed in short-term, in-home shelters.
Youth Emerging Stronger offers transitional housing support through group settings and scattered-site apartments. They also offer other services to support youth success.
Pasadena TAY Housing
Hathway Sycamores supports youth ages 18 to 24 years old who were in foster or probation care some time after their 14th birthday. Their Transitional Independent Living Services include housing support and help to acquire the skills young people need to live independently.
The Hathaway-Sycamores supported independent living model utilizes a “scattered site” approach. Each youth and a roommate share a two-bedroom apartment with rent subsidized on a graduated schedule over a two-year period. Other financial assistance includes bus passes and food vouchers.
San Fernando Valley TAY Housing
Penny Lane’s Transitional Housing Program offers housing for youth ages 18 to 24, who are either working or in school. They are located in North Hills.
Santa Clarita TAY Housing
Currently, there are no TAY housing options in Santa Clarita Valley. Finally Family Homes is working to change that. We plan to launch a host homes program by January 2021 as well starting up our innovative Tiny House Ownership program.
Southeast Los Angeles
Jovenes serves in Boyle Heights and Southeast LA County helping youth, ages 18-25, end their cycle of homelessness.
Venice TAY Housing
Safe Place for Youth (SPY) supports youth who are struggling with homelessness. They offer scattered site housing & host homes. Their transitional housing program, Roots to Grow, in partnership with Venice Community Housing provides housing for 20 rotating youth across two sites (Mar Vista and Westwood) for periods of up to 36 months
This section is still in progress.
Shelters For Transition Age Youth In Los Angeles
One of the reasons that TAY homeless youth are notoriously difficult to track down is that most of them avoid the shelters. Those who do go, often are quick to leave. Having a place exclusively for youth makes a less intimidating to sleep for TAY.
Downtown Los Angeles TAY Shelters
Covenant House California (CHC) is a non-profit youth homeless shelter that provides sanctuary and support for homeless and trafficked youth, ages 18-24 years old.
Training for TAY
Arts Programs
My Friend’s Place in Hollywood.
Life Skills Progams
My Friends Place in Hollywood.
Life Launch in Santa Clarita and surrounding areas.
ILP Program
ILP funds can be used for driver’s education, auto insurance, food assistance, dues, tuition, fees, computers, books, and more. Here is the full list of what you can use ILP funds for in Caifornia.
Apprenticeships for Transition Age Youth In Los Angeles
Lost Angels Work Program serves youth 16-24, including former foster youth through innovative vocational training, social enterprise, and traditional outreach programs, including a 12-week apprenticeship program restoring classic cars!
Mentoring for Transition Age Youth In Los Angeles
San Fernando Valley TAY Mentoring & Basic Needs Support
Arts, Film & Goods Pantry helps foster and former foster youths thrive by supplying essential items such as backpacks, hygiene products, school supplies, art supplies, and film equipment as well as pairing youth with mentors in their desired career fields.
South Bay TAY Mentoring
Fostering Hope LA in Torrance, CA connects TAY youth with Christian mentors, job readiness skills, and assistance with educational and vocational training enrollment.
Furniture For LA TAY
James Storehouse in Newbury Park, CA assists aged-out youth as they transition into independence by providing emergency resources in their free boutiques and warehouse. They help set up and provide furnishings and more when TAY move into their own apartments.
A Sense of Home strives to prevent homelessness by creating first-ever homes for youth aging out of foster care with donated furniture and home goods.
California Foster Care College Support
To receive supports in college you do not have to have aged out. Some programs, like Chaffee, just require that you were in foster care between ages 16-18.
Make sure to check out this guide on Financial Aid for California Foster Youth.
I Can Afford College explains the different kinds of financial aid available to TAY and provides assistance with learning about your options and how to apply for various financial aid programs.
California College Financial Support
The California College Promise Grant permits enrollment fees to be waived. (Assistance for the purchase of books and supplies must be applied for separately.) Use the link above to apply
California Student Aid Commission
888-224-7268 (press3)
Tuition Waivers (free tuition!) are available at California State Universities. Students are exempt from paying the systemwide tuition fee for state-supported courses at any CSU campus. The tuition fee waiver does not apply to campus-based mandatory fees, campus fees, housing, books transportation, or other costs of attendance
Cal Grant B Foster Youth Award is a grant available to students attending college in California and can cover tuition costs as well as other costs such as housing and books. Foster youth can qualify any time up to age 26 and can receive the grant for up to 8 years.
Makes sure to also check out our list of nationally available resources for former foster youth such as the Pell Grant, Trio, and Chaffee.
You apply for the Chaffee Grant in California here.
For additional help, be sure to check out John Burton Advocates for Youth’s Financial Aid Guide for Foster Youth and Foster Youth Educational Planning Guide.
Other publicly funded support for students challenged by social and economic barriers include CARE, CalWORKs, and Disability Services.
Programs Supporting Youth On College Campuses
Guardian Scholars offers a fantastic program available at most college campuses in California. They can help with food, transportation, and connecting you to other resources. Use their searchable database to find all foster youth campus support programs.
NextUp , also known as CAFYES (Cooperating Agencies Foster Youth Educational Support), provides resources to community college students. Services may include help with books and supplies, transportation, tutoring, food and emergency housing.
EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) program is a State funded comprehensive academic counseling program designed to provide additional support to eligible fulltime students. EOPS offers academic and support counseling, financial aid, and other support services. The EOPS program is available at California Community Colleges.
EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) provides similar support as EOPS, but is only offered at CSU and UC campuses. It’s an academic support program to help low-income and first generation college students succeed in college.
Legal Help For Transition Age Youth
Elevate Community Center offers free and low-cost record sealing services, record expungement services, and appeals for wrongful denial of housing and wrongful revocation of job offers. Contact them to learn all that they offer.
Children’s Law Center offers legal advocacy for youth in the LA County, Sacramento, or Placer County Juvenile Dependency Court systems.
323.980.1700, or
California Youth Connection is a youth-led organization that develops leaders who empower each other and their communities to transform the foster care system through legislative, policy, and practice change.
Help With Transportation for TAY
In Los Angeles, foster youth can receive a free TAP card through the Youth on the Move program. You may also be able to get help with transportation if you live outside of Los Angeles County. Just ask your Independent Living Program (ILP) Transition Coordinator for details.
TAP service is available Monday- Friday, 9 am -12 pm and 1 pm – 4 pm
Accessing Resources for Former Foster Youth in Los Angeles
For more information about LA County resources for aging out foster youth, check out their Teen Page.
If you are having trouble accessing the services you need, contact an Ombudsman. The Youth Ombudsman’s Office was developed to respond to complaints and concerns of foster and probation foster youth in regards to ILP and AB12 services. They can answer any questions you may have, help you figure out what you are eligible for, help you file appeals and grievances, and more.
Complaints and concerns are investigated to help ensure that you receive the services you are eligible for. It is the policy of the Ombudsman to maintain the confidentiality of the information provided to the extent
possible. The California State Ombudsman’s number is 877-846-1602
Los Angeles Obudsman
The Los Angeles Youth Ombudsman Office number is 213-351-5720.
You can also call 877-694-5741 (877-MY ILP 411) or email
Helpful Contact Numbers for TAY Support
CA Transition Age Youth (16+) Helpline (877) 694-5741
For more on what’s available from government resources on Los Angeles, visit the DCFS programs and services page.
For Emergency Resources in Los Angeles any time of day Call 211 or go to:
California Youth Crisis Hotline 800-843-5200 (24hrs)
This list is a work in progress. Are we missing opportunities for youth in Los Angeles / California? Contact us or leave a comment below and we’ll add it!
Don’t forget to check out our list of resources for Transition Aged Youth – nationwide.